Our Law Firm is Different. Truly.

First and foremost, we want to tell your story. Most firms say they will “fight for you” or will “aggressively represent you.” But they are afraid to try a case before a jury. We are focused on trial from day 1. Our firm does not litigate cases mindlessly. Instead, we gather evidence with a purpose. Why? It is simple. You were harmed because your employer violated the law without any care for your labor or loyalty. They care more about profits than individuals. We will show a jury that you deserve better and that all humans should be treated with respect and dignity.

Second, the attorneys at Jimenez Loayza, APC have completely different legal backgrounds and experience that gives your case an edge. Attorney Marisol Jimenez has fought only for employees her whole career. On the other hand, Attorney Francisco Loayza previously defended employers (from Fortune 500 companies to mom-and-pop shops) for many years and knows how the other side thinks. Together, they have a unique experience with insight that other firms do not have.

In addition, our firm takes on few cases. This means you and your case are receiving the quality attention that is deserved.

Finally, we care. We come from humble backgrounds. We were the first in our family to obtain higher education. We know, through the struggles of our families, what it is like to work hard for so little. Meanwhile, companies profit at your expense or fail to take the basic steps necessary to prevent harassment, discrimination, or retaliation. Your story is ours. Let us fight for you.